Help Finding Liquidation Details

Hello, big fan of Fluid - unfortunately, I managed to get liquidated last night and would like to know more details about the transaction. The docs advise reaching out to the team for help, but the discord invite link listed on socials does not work for me (says expired).

Excerpt from docs:

Due to the way liquidations work on Fluid, your position is not individually liquidated but instead a portion of all at risk positions is liquidated, all at once in one transaction. Please contact us if you want us to help you locate the specific liquidation transaction for you. Please Note: The liquidation transaction on Fluid Vaults does not read like a liquidation tx from other lending protocols as it liquidates multiple positions at once. We will be developing a UI to better display Vault interactions.

Could anyone please help me locate my liquidation tx? Thank you for your time!

Hey @marty you can find your liquidation details in the vaults stats page here:
Fluid Stats

In case you were liquidated multiple times, this will only show the total liquidated amount.
On the vault page you will also see the total amount liquidated:

We will be building additional information for the vaults and liquidations over time. On Fluid liquidations are done in slots. I can locate that tx for you if you would like but it will not read like your vault was liquidated X and paid back Y. It will be one large amount being repaid as all slots within a specific range were liquidated together.

Here is a new Discord link: Instadapp
Can you try joining this way? If you still have issues please let me know