Setting up first DEX pool of wstETH <> ETH protocol with tight withdraw & borrow limits of $100k-200k from Liquiity Layer. This will allow us to start the integration with DEX aggregators prior to the DEX launch. On this first pool, depositing & borrowing will be restricted to the team, and swapping will be open for everyone.
Code Changes
- DEX wstETH<>ETH Address: 0x6d83f60eEac0e50A1250760151E81Db2a278e03a
- Supply Configuration Updates:
- User: 0x6d83f60eEac0e50A1250760151E81Db2a278e03a
- Class: 0 (Guardian enabled)
- Mode: 1 (with interest)
- Expand Percent: 25%
- Expand Duration: 2 hours
- Base Withdrawal Limit: $50,000 worth of wstETH based on exchange price
- User: 0x6d83f60eEac0e50A1250760151E81Db2a278e03a
- Class: 0 (Guardian enabled)
- Mode: 1 (with interest)
- Expand Percent: 25%
- Expand Duration: 2 hours
- Base Withdrawal Limit: $50,000 worth of ETH based on exchange price
Borrow Configuration Updates:
- User: 0x6d83f60eEac0e50A1250760151E81Db2a278e03a
- Class: 0 (Guardian enabled)
- Mode: 1 (with interest)
- Expand Percent: 20%
- Expand Duration: 2 hours
- Base Debt Ceiling: $50,000 worth of wstETH based on exchange price
- Max Debt Ceiling: $100,000 worth of wstETH based on exchange price
- User: 0x6d83f60eEac0e50A1250760151E81Db2a278e03a
- Class: 0 (Guardian enabled)
- Mode: 1 (with interest)
- Expand Percent: 20%
- Expand Duration: 2 hours
- Base Debt Ceiling: $50,000 worth of ETH based on exchange price
- Max Debt Ceiling: $100,000 worth of ETH based on exchange price
Note: Dex Pool has not been deployed to this address yet, it will be deployed by the team within a week. This address is calculated from Dex Factory Address: 0x93DD426446B5370F094a1e31f19991AAA6Ac0bE0
The proposal seeks to update the supply and borrow configuration on the Fluid’s liquidity layer for wstETH and ETH, critical for the successful setup of the wstETH<>ETH DEX Pool on the Liquidity Layer for the upcoming DEX protocol. The parameters include setting the expansion duration, percentage, and automated limits for both supply and borrow operations on ETH and wstETH.
This proposal will enable a seamless setup for DEX protocol and smooth integration with DEX aggregators by adjusting the parameters for wstETH and ETH on the protocol’s liquidity layer essentially by giving allowance for the introductory wstETH<>ETH DEX pool. Approval of this proposal will facilitate prompt and efficient implementation of DEX.